Personal Financial Coaching
A financial coach provides strategic support and accountability as you clarify, pursue, and achieve your financial goals.
I help you see the goal. Feel the goal.
Find the courage to go after it.
My clients want to have a meaningful impact on the world, and they know a strong financial education will allow them to accomplish that. They zig where others zag; they have tried the traditional financial path and are frustrated with the results; they understand it's time to do things differently. They hire me to support them on their financial education journey, because it's ambitious, a little scary, and feels so right. Someone is going to do the things you want to do. Why not you?

You CAN Do Anything...
But you can’t do everything at the same time, and you certainly can’t do everything by yourself. A financial coach helps you pursue a life that is in sync with your values and helps you re-frame the inevitable challenges that slow you down so that you can stay focused on your primary objective.
During our coaching sessions, I listen to what you say and how you say it. We talk about what’s most important to you, reveal useful emotions, and help you gain more clarity. Ultimately, you will develop a plan of action, and with your new momentum, pursue it. You’ll begin to see your situation from a new perspective; real, tangible and true to who you are. Solutions that weren’t apparent before will become evident.
There will be pre-meeting prep, as well as homework. That is where the real growth happens, but don't worry, I'll be by your side through the journey. I'll make sure you stay motivated, and hold you accountable.
Just as important, is what we won't do. We are NOT financial advisors, we do NOT give specific stock, bond or mutual fund advice, and we do NOT provide tax, legal, or investment advice. We help with something much more important, a financial education. It's all about learning how money REALLY works, and how to use financial knowledge to guide your future decisions. Disclaimer.
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